Thursday 9 February 2012

Children in Owl Class made Valentine cards after listening to Mrs Vernall read the story 'Kisses Are Yuk!'

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who have come along to Owl Class Reading Cafes this term. It has been lovely to see so many of you and have the oppurtunity to chat informally,and for you to have the time to work with your child. We all appreciate you making time for us.

Reading Cafe will continue next term with Mrs Vernall and Mrs Arden and we look forward to seeing you then.

A big thank you to both Mrs Arden and Mrs Vernall for organising all the fun activities and for the lovely books the children are getting in the raffle.


Have a lovely week's holiday.


  1. Wow Owls! You have worked very hard on those Valentines! Your loved ones will be very pleased!

  2. they are pretty valentines cards
